Classes & Pricing

**Single day events at the wolf sanctuary, on their own, are between 300-500 dollars**

Classes are single day events 9-4pm, at the Wolf Connection sanctuary.  

Introduction classes are offered on a sliding scale $175-$525

Themed classes are offered on a sliding scale $250-$525


For new members these classes will introduce the participants to the wild, to ritual and tradition.  This will be done slowly and simply, in rhythm with the land and the wolves.  James will also go over the basics of Nonviolent Communication and give the participant the experience of using the concept of needs to connect with life as it moves.  

The Contrary

Finding, understanding and coming into relationship with the trickster as an important and naturally occurring part of life.

 "No one loves you"  "You're not worth that" "They all leave eventually" "If you trust them they will hurt you" 

Participants will learn to identify trickster and hear the love and care in these backward thoughts

Parenting love and Liberation

Using NVC and over 20 years of experience working with families, participants are introduced to practical ways to engage their children, and shape their household.

Participants will also learn from the wolves how alpha's are the parents of the pack.

Grief and praise

Longing and belonging.  Absence as a presence.  Being bound to those we come from. Working on the assumption, grief is the way we love the dead and loving is the way we grieve the living.  Participants are taught how to find and stay in relationship with their dead.  And to come into closer relationship with death itself.

Conflict boundaries and problem solving 

How to navigate those you are in intimate relaitonship with, with love and integrity.  Participants will develop a framing and approach to conflict that is generative and natural.  While working to identify and let go of colonial dynamics that shame blame guilt and punish.


Regret, learning, and liberation

Here regret is explored as a naturally occurring phenomenon.  Participants learn how to listen to it and learn.  Outside of shame, blame guilt and the threat of punishment regret and critical reflection becomes a foundational part of learning.

Giving difficult feedback

Saying what's true with grace and integrity.  Participants are taught to clarify and bring forward difficult feedback in service of love and right relation.  Learning to avoid corrosive silence, and avoidance.

Intimate relationship, contradiction, and love as a practice

Developing a practice of love.  Exploring how to hold ourselves and those we are in intimate partnership with grace.  

Self Empathy

A foundational place to practice. a foundational relationship to look after. Developing a practice of self awareness and care.


(Classes are offered on a sliding scale)


Introduction Classes sliding scale:

Uder $125,000 - $175.00

Between $125 - $500,000 - $325.00

$500,000 and above - $525.00 


Themed Classes sliding scale 

Uder $125,000 - $250.00

Between $125 - $500,000 - $450.00

$500,000 and above - $625.00 

Sign up here: